One way to change the world is by inspiring people and hitting them with exciting pills of knowledge. Inglorious Coderz know how to choose a suitable subject and then convey the message in the most engaging, fun, and effective way.
One way to change the world is by inspiring people and hitting them with exciting pills of knowledge. Inglorious Coderz know how to choose a suitable subject and then convey the message in the most engaging, fun, and effective way.
The European Innovation Academy 2019 in Turin involved me more than usual this time: apart from taking the role of Head Of Mentors, I gave two speeches before the crowd of students, teachers, and mentors.
The picture below refers to a slide from the keynote “New Technologies” which, according to one of the Program Managers, was “a mix of frontier technologies, memes, gifs and fundamental thoughts about the future – it is captivating, fun and thought-provoking”.
Slides are available here.
Codemotion in collaboration with Facebook organized a series of webinars on how to become the best Chief Technology Officer.
The 3.5 hours speech on Tech Team Management covered different topics, such as the role as the CTO as a technical lead, metrics, software lifecycle, eXtreme Programming and Test-Driven Development, being a project manager, and license management.
The outcome was an enthusiastic feedback, which was then officially scaled down for some reason. But you know it, we don't do it for the glory ;)
Slides are available here.
“React, The Inglorious Way” is a 40 minute talk performed at Codemotion Amsterdam 2019. It is a highly technical talk performed as a live coding session that shows the perks and gotchas of common React patterns such as Container/Presentational, Higher-Order Components, Render Props, and Hooks.
The slides, made with mdx-deck, are available here, while a PDF version can be downloaded here.
“Refactoring Into React Hooks” is a 40 minute talk performed at Codemotion Rome 2019. It is a highly technical talk performed as a live coding session that shows how to turn your codebase into hooks starting from Class Components, Higher-Order components, Render Props, Context API, and much more.
The slides, made with mdx-deck, are available here, while a PDF version can be downloaded here.
“Tech 101” is a 40 minute keynote requested by European Innovation Academy and performed in Turin, Shenzhen, and Doha. The slides, available on Slideshare, are funny hand-drawn doodles scanned and composed on Google Slides.
Here is a video of the latest edition, courtesy of Inna Boyadzhieva.
A 15-minute guided tour of the Lampedusa Turtle Rescue Center, with information about the different species of sea turtles, their lifecycle, their behavior, and the threats that they are facing because of humans.