

The purpose of Inglorious Coderz is to build a better world. But let's face it, code by itself will not suffice. That's why we are also first in line when dealing with volunteering. Part of the money we earn is not just spent on charity, it allows us to take action directly.

Inglorious Academy

Inglorious Academy

If we want to find something good in the 2020 pandemic, it's that it finally gave Inglorious Coderz a push to finally deliver what we had in mind for so long: a free live coding academy for human beings all over the world.

Unlike services like Udemy, the Inglorious Academy is completely free and, unlike YouTube videos, it is live, which allows for interaction with the students and for immediate feedback, in order to tailor each lesson to the audience's needs.

The course teaches the basics of web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), but it also provides the proper mindset needed to find a successful career in the IT field. Students learn to learn, are encouraged to always question everything (including themselves), and acquire an experimental and playful attitude.

During this six-month coding bootcamp the topics are explained with a “learn by doing” approach, and the exercises encourage creativity. Even though we remind at all times that anyone can self-learn with the free online material we suggest, the number of followers is constantly growing and watchers stay for both the guidance provided and the entertainment.

For those who need to catch up with the lessons we even put up a YouTube channel with all the recordings.



Powercoders is a Swiss NGO aimed at giving a second chance to refugees all over the world by offering them a free 3-months course on web development and a paid internship as junior developers in affiliated companies.

The year 2019 marked the beginning of the pilot program in Italy, sponsored by Reale Foundation and Fondazione Italiana Accenture and powered by Le Wagon: twenty students coming from different countries of Africa and the Middle East gathered in Toolbox Coworking for an intensive bootcamp on web technologies, using laptops provided for free by Lenovo.

Inglorious Coderz was involved for the role of Teaching Lead, which means giving classes, assigning tasks, and managing a team of volunteer IT trainers and technical speakers, most of them freelancers or coming from big companies such as IBM and Accenture.

Even the COVID-19 spread could not stop the bootcamp, which was moved online during the last weeks. Overall the program was an unparalleled success.

Les Jeunes Leaders Du Burundi

Les Jeunes Leaders Du Burundi

Fabrice Kaburugutu, a young Engineering student from Bujumbura, had a dream: to promote the sustainable economic, social and cultural development of Burundi in particular and the region in general by stimulating youth employment and career opportunities through sustainable development goals.

So he decided to create a non-profit organization, run entirely by himself between his exams, and to give free conferences on the topic. The first one was held in March 30th 2019.

Inglorious Coderz remotely assisted the development of the Association's website and its Facebook page, and involved both Inna Boyadzhieva for advice on crowdfunding and Maria Matloub for the conference's poster design.

Lampedusa Turtle Group

Lampedusa Turtle Group

Sea turtles are not only beautiful animals, but they are essential for the marine ecosystem because they are greedy for jellyfish, which threatens our oceans due to their exponentially increasing number.

Although a sea turtle's lifespan could reach 150 years or more, many of them die way earlier due to human interference: fishing nets, hooks, trash, global warming, ... We must start to behave responsibly towards our environment, and we have to do it quick.

Lampedusa Turtle Group is a research center, a hospital, and a museum related to sea turtles guided by an amazing human being, Dr. Daniela Freggi. We spent two weeks, together with other volunteers from all over the world, performing various activities — manual work such as cleaning up the center, the turtles, and their pools every two mornings, but also assisting veterinarian surgeons and guiding visitors through the museum and raising awareness.